Meaning of (एकदम ठीक) ekadam thik in english

As noun : a ok
Other :
accurate Ex:  He gave accurate descriptions of ruminants' four-chambered fore-stomachs
Suggested : free from error or defect consistent with a standard, rule, or model precise exact
Exampleएकदम ठीक का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of एकदम ठीक:
1. उन्होंने पुलिस में शिकायत दर्ज कराई कि 6 अप्रैल को जब एटीएम मशीन को चेक किया गया, तब वह एकदम ठीक थी
(एकदम ठीक) ekadam thik can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : ekadama Thiika

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